This production seems to be pitched as the thing to see when you don’t want to see the Nutcracker (or have left it too late to get tickets), and it was in this mindset that I came to see it having, you guessed it, left it too late to get tickets for the Nutcracker. First […]
Let me preface this by saying I’m a massive (and proud) history geek, but it’s hard to underestimate how impressive it is seeing all of the bits usually missing from archaeological exhibitions and museum displays. The wood, the fabrics, the leather, the hair: the things that are normally inferred from the lack of them (an […]
So I shouldn’t be too harsh, right? Bringing all my London expectations to a regional museum and expecting it to live up to them? As regional museums go, the Leeds Art Gallery is ok. As a newly refurbished regional art gallery that was shut for a couple of years to fix the roof and do […]