Historic Sites

Panometer Dresden

The Panometer Dresden is a large-scale panorama of the Baroque city. It exists at an interesting intersection of art, history and spectacle. An Unusual Attraction When I was planning my (very limited) time in Dresden, there was one attraction I was intrigued by, but wasn’t sure I would make it to. The Panometer Dresden is […]

Historic Sites

Dresdner Residentzschloss (Royal Palace, Dresden) incl. Grünes Gewölbe (Green Vault)

A remarkable set of collections and exhibition spaces exists within Dresden’s former Royal Palace, including first and foremost the Green Vault, one of the world’s first public museums. Dresden’s Royal Palace On my day exploring Dresden, my first stop was the Dresdner Residenzschloss. This former palace has been home to many different royals. First the […]

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