The National Museum of Iceland in Reykjavik proves to be a nice size to get to grips with Icelandic history without suffering the perils of museum fatigue. Þjóðminjasafns Íslands: The National Museum Of Iceland A few days ago I posted about the National Gallery of Iceland, and how I was bemused and a little disappointed […]
Reykjavik’s Saga Museum brings visitors close to Icelandic history by recreating key moments from the famous sagas and beyond. The result occasionally feels a little on the bloodthirsty side, but is nonetheless good fun. The Saga Museum I had this museum on my list as a ‘strong maybe’ while I was in Reykjavik. The Settlement […]
Let’s get our series on Reykjavik’s museums underway with the Settlement Exhibition, an exploration of how people have lived in Reykjavik since its earliest days. A Museum Two-For-One Long-time readers know that I love a bit of archaeology. So much so, in fact, that the Settlement Exhibition was at the top of my list for […]
A review of the William Morris Gallery in Walthamstow, including temporary exhibition Within the Reach of All: The Century Guild. In which I am wildly enthusiastic about William Morris, and enjoy a turn at running Morris & Co. The William Morris Gallery, Walthamstow’s Main Draw (For Me At Least) A disclaimer at the outset: I […]