
Metamorphosis – Frantic Assembly / Lyric Hammersmith, London

A somewhat disappointing adaptation of Kafka’s classic novella, Metamorphosis is visually impressive but muddled. Metamorphosis Yes, I was disappointed. I had high hopes for this production: it reached me via targeted social media advertising and looked great. As a former student of German and aspiring member of the intelligentsia of course I’ve read The Metamorphosis. […]


Maria Bartuszová – Tate Modern, London

Continuing my exploration of Tate exhibitions of female sculptors, Maria Bartuszová’s works in plaster combine the solid and the ephemeral in pleasingly natural forms. Maria Bartuszová I wrote recently when I went to see Magdalena Abakanowicz: Every Tangle of Thread and Rope about the Tate’s efforts to exhibit the work of female sculptors. Why sculptors […]

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