I quite like when I come out of a play with a realisation that I need time to process it: what did it mean? Did I like it? Did I think it was any good? Nice Fish is definitely one of those plays for me, and I would add to my list of questions in […]
Waiting For Godot Let me preface this by saying I had only ever seen Beckett performed once before, and it was when I was living in Korea. It was a Chinese production. Played like traditional Chinese theatre. With surtitles in Korean and English. I left halfway through, by rationalising that the second half is […]
The thing about having a particular dancer who I like to go and see (Edward Watson, since you asked) rather than being very educated about choreographers, composers or directors of ballet, means that I go to a fairly mixed bag of performances. Had Watson not been dancing in Woolf Works, I’m not sure that the […]
While visiting this overall excellent and interesting exhibition at Tate Modern, I was thinking a lot about conservation versus comprehension. Warnings abound before and throughout the galleries not to move or blow on the works as they are now too fragile, but is a static mobile still a mobile? If an installation which relies on […]
This was my second outing to the National Theatre in about a month, and by far my favourite of the two. Don’t get me wrong, I did enjoy The Hard Problem for the reasons outlined in my recent blog post, but Man and Superman took me so much by surprise that I found myself applauding […]
I liked this play. I felt that at times it was slightly like a soap opera, but in a good way: lots of action, interesting characters and a bit of conflict. There were a few critics who didn’t seem to enjoy it, or at least didn’t think it was Tom Stoppard’s best work, but to […]
We are familiar with Greek art. In fact, as a rule, the audience will also be familiar with a number of the sculptures on display in this exhibition at the British Museum. Even the fact that Greek sculptures were originally decorated in what could be described as garish colours will not be new to many. […]
Antigone I wanted to like this production, I really did. I generally like the innovation of the theatre the Barbican put on, as well as the fact that they stage foreign language productions, challenging plays, and other bold choices. I’ve seen Juliette Binoche before, and she always seems reasonably good. This version of Antigone, […]
Having incorporated it into my Masters thesis, the topic of war-looted art and its subsequent treatment and consideration for restitution is one of perennial interest to me. I was very interested, therefore, to learn more about a large-scale piece of collection research which has been going on in the Netherlands since my time there, and […]
If there is one thing I could say about this exhibition, it had a very good build from historic context to artistic beginnings to master works. If there’s a second thing I could say, it had a terrible queuing system. Queuing once to get a ticket and then separately to get in? Don’t get me […]