
21 rue la Boétie – Musée Maillol, Paris

This is an exhibition with a very good starting point: a successful and creative businessman, buffeted by the vagaries of 20th Century history, whose story illustrates a much wider narrative. Plus that of a granddaughter (Anne Sinclair), public figure, painted by major artists as a child, and now author of a successful history of her […]

Music & Opera

Just Call Me God – Barbican/Union Chapel/Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, London

“That was wackadoodle.” – Me, directly after seeing it. “Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich.  Malkovich?” – My SO, requesting a guest blogging spot. Wackadoodle in a good way?  Partly.  This collaboration between theatre and music, commissioned from Michael Sturminger by the Philharmonie Hamburg is currently touring an interesting variety of locations (London, Birmingham, Groningen), as necessitated by […]


Robert Rauschenberg – Tate Modern, London

Artists whose creativity spills out of them – onto canvases, onto objects around them – fascinate me, it’s a reason I have such a soft spot for Jean-Michel Basquiat.  It is also a principle behind Robert Rauschenberg’s artistic output, made all the more interesting by the fact that he did not set out on an […]


Electricity: The Spark of Life – Wellcome Collection, London

I rather enjoyed this historic and thematic overview of the place of electricity in our lives.  The broad structure of the exhibition takes us from Generation (early encounters with electrical forces, experimentation and understanding of the processes involved in creating electricity) to Supply (how electricity was stored, harnessed and transported) and Consumption (the effect it […]

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