
Dear Martin – Arcola Theatre, London

Darkly comic Dear Martin is an amusing “what if” about a budding friendship between a cuckolded husband and his wife’s erotic penpal, who is also a psychopath. Dear Martin It really is the curious premise that draws you into seeing a play, sometimes.  Such was the case, for me, with Dear Martin by Madelaine Brettingham […]


Oh My Pain, My Beautiful Pain! // Acid’s Reign – The Pleasance Theatre, London

A Pleasance Theatre double bill of Oh My Pain, My Beautiful Pain! and Acid’s Reign, two very different productions as part of Relish Theatre’s Regeneration Season which nonetheless add up to an exhilarating evening of hard-hitting themes wrapped in inventive drag and cabaret packages. A Double Bill at the Pleasance Theatre, London It’s been a […]


Antigone [on strike] – Park Theatre, London

Alexander Raptotasios’s new adaptation Antigone [on strike] brings this classic tale forward into the age of social media, globalised geopolitics, and real time democracy. Antigone [on strike] As I’m sure I’ve said on the blog before, the classics are classics for a reason. It’s astounding the way that certain stories from the ancient world continue […]

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