Music & Opera

Just Call Me God – Barbican/Union Chapel/Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, London

“That was wackadoodle.” – Me, directly after seeing it. “Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich.  Malkovich?” – My SO, requesting a guest blogging spot. Wackadoodle in a good way?  Partly.  This collaboration between theatre and music, commissioned from Michael Sturminger by the Philharmonie Hamburg is currently touring an interesting variety of locations (London, Birmingham, Groningen), as necessitated by […]


Antigone – The Barbican, London

  Antigone I wanted to like this production, I really did.  I generally like the innovation of the theatre the Barbican put on, as well as the fact that they stage foreign language productions, challenging plays, and other bold choices.  I’ve seen Juliette Binoche before, and she always seems reasonably good.  This version of Antigone, […]

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