Heritage Walk

The Precincts Of Westminster Abbey

The trick to London is often paying attention to place names, as this walk around the precincts of Westminster Abbey amply illustrates! Exploring the Precincts of Westminster Abbey London, it’s been a while! Like I was saying recently in my review of 2023, there is far too much to see and do (although I can’t […]

Historic Sites

Moor Park, Rickmansworth

A guided tour of Moor Park during the 2022 visitor season. This is very likely the only time a golf club will feature on the Salterton Arts Review so let’s get stuck in, shall we? Moor Park There is rather an interesting history to Moor Park, a stately home turned golf club near Rickmansworth, North […]

Historic Sites

Anglesey Abbey, Lode

A description of a visit to Anglesey Abbey near Cambridge. This National Trust property primarily tells the story of an Anglo-American family’s tenure in a site steeped in history. Anglesey Abbey, Home To 1st Baron Fairhaven As stately homes go, the story of Anglesey Abbey is quite an interesting one. It’s not like a Blenheim […]

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