Museum Tours

Migration Museum, London

The Migration Museum is a delightful surprise in a Lewisham shopping mall: an informative, generous tonic which proclaims the many experiences of migration to this green and pleasant land. A Museum? In A Mall? The Migration Museum is actually one of the closest cultural institutions to my South East London home. I found out about […]

Museum Tours

Collection De L’Art Brut, Lausanne

Jean Dubuffet’s gift to the city of Lausanne, the Collection de l’Art Brut is a must-see for anyone with an interest in art outside the cultural mainstream. La Collection De L’Art Brut Long-time Salterton Arts Review followers will know I have a particular interest in so-called Outsider Art. More on nomenclature in a moment but […]

Historic Sites

Dresdner Residentzschloss (Royal Palace, Dresden) incl. Grünes Gewölbe (Green Vault)

A remarkable set of collections and exhibition spaces exists within Dresden’s former Royal Palace, including first and foremost the Green Vault, one of the world’s first public museums. Dresden’s Royal Palace On my day exploring Dresden, my first stop was the Dresdner Residenzschloss. This former palace has been home to many different royals. First the […]

Museum Tours

Museum of Antigua and Barbuda

The Museum of Antigua and Barbuda is a perfect spot to learn about the islands’ history from ancient to modern in historic surroundings. Antigua and Barbuda: A Quick Recap I’ve covered aspects of the history of Antigua and Barbuda in recent posts. But since today’s subject is the country’s national museum, I thought we could […]

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