Historic Sites

Hogarth’s House

A visit to Hogarth’s House in Chiswick highlights, perhaps better than any other historic site I’ve been to, the stark difference between how historic figures experienced London and its environs vs. how we do today. A Visit To Chiswick It’s funny. The reason I knew that Hogarth’s House was a visitor attraction in West London […]

Historic Sites

HQS Wellington, London

Today’s post is all about my visit to the HQS Wellington, the floating London headquarters of the Honorable Company of Master Mariners. A former naval ship which evidences centuries of maritime trade, the HMS Wellington is imbued with a long history of British seafaring. Is That HQS, Or HMS Wellington? I have been interested in […]

Historic Sites

Anglesey Abbey, Lode

A description of a visit to Anglesey Abbey near Cambridge. This National Trust property primarily tells the story of an Anglo-American family’s tenure in a site steeped in history. Anglesey Abbey, Home To 1st Baron Fairhaven As stately homes go, the story of Anglesey Abbey is quite an interesting one. It’s not like a Blenheim […]

Historic Sites

The Robie House, Chicago

A description of a visit to Frank Lloyd Wright’s Robie House near the University of Chicago. Frank Lloyd Wright And Chicago We continue on with our architectural theme today, after the last post at the Chicago Architectural Center. As well as being famous for skyscrapers, Chicago has been home to other architects of renown. Perhaps […]

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